
Welcome to the European Union and to the Litigative Europe website

Were you born in or married to someone from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain or Sweden?

You are a European Citizen!


litigative for eu citizens

The EU's resilience and capacity for growth

The European Union (EU) has achieved significant successes over the years, reflected in various statistics that highlight its economic and social advancements.


GDP growth 1996-2024


Trillions Nominal GDP in 2024


EU Unemployment Rate 2024


EU 2024 inflation rate

Read more about the European Union (EU)!

Litigative and European Citizens

European citizens, by The Treaty of The European Union, get access to the following rights:

voting rights

Voting in European elections

A right to vote and stand in elections to the European Parliament, in any EU member state (Article 22 of the EU Treaty)

vote rights

Voting in municipal elections

A right to vote and stand in local elections in an EU state other than their own, under the same conditions as the nationals of that state (Article 22)

residence rights

Right to free movement and residence

A right of free movement and residence throughout the Union and the right to work in any position (including national civil services (Article 21)

freedoms rights

Freedom from discrimination on nationality

A right not to be discriminated against on grounds of nationality within the scope of application of the Treaty (Article 18)

Read more about European Citizen's Rights!

Litigative EU Latest News

The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, The Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and The Latest EU News!

eu charter

European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights

Personal, civic, economic, social, and political rights for EU citizens in the European Union. 
Read more here

eu treaty

Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union

Sets out another phase during the time spent European coordination of the European Union. Read more here

eu news

European Union (EU) News

The latest headlines and features from across the EU. Find out how the European Union changes for an increased citizens experience. 
Read them here